Friday, June 5, 2015

2nd Crane Barge - Putting in the Metal Posts

After the barge was beached, the next step was to setup up the metal anchor posts. On the deck of the barge two long metal posts, one round and one square, were stored. The crane was used to lift each post into a vertical position and then each post was inserted through an opening in the deck. The opening in the deck extends to the bottom of the barge and allows the metal post to be dropped into the sandy bottom of the river.

Maneuvering these giant metal posts around the deck of the barge and inserting them into the holes was no easy task. It required careful coordination between the crew and the crane operator. The crew used hand and head signals to relay instructions to the crane operator. The crane operator moved the posts slowly to minimize the amount of sway which could be dangerous to the crew.

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