Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Salisbury Beach & Jetty Construction Photo Opportunity

As of the first weekend in May, the construction company had only partially fenced off beach access around the jetty at the Salisbury Beach State Reservation. Ourselves and number of other visitors took advantage of the situation to get up close to the tractors. I couldn't resist snapping a photo of a small dog enjoying itself on the beach with the towering excavator in the background

The construction company has since finished fencing off the beach around the breakwater and the construction site to keep visitors out for safety reasons. Every effort seems to have been made to minimize the disruption to the summer camping and beach going season. Only a relative small section of beach of has been closed. Access to the beach from the main parking lot near the jetty is via a boardwalk and staircase at the north end of the lot. A prime section of beach along the Merrimack River favored by fishermen going after stripers has been closed off for the year. Fisherman will have fish from the Plum Island side of the river. The beach along both sides of river at mouth is great for fishing but not safe for swimming because of the strong currents. Swimmer should stick to the ocean side beaches.

This low angle photo accentuates the size of this CAT excavator. 

This a candid shot of a small dog exploring the concrete seawall near the beach benches. It provides a unique size perspective.

Sometimes unusual angles can make for truly interesting photographic opportunities.

This excavator has a mascot in the cab, Pinky the Star Fish.

1 comment:

  1. -Blocks are not subject to same damage as woods, therefore it require lesser repairs will lessen the impact on landfills.
